Sorry this one has taken so long to get posted too, have been travelling and getting settled in to the US. The race was muddy, as expected, but a different kind of mud compared to the stuff in Albstadt. Here it was super thick (like pedalling downhill to keep moving) and the short laps meant we did 6 all up. Once again I got a spot near the rear for the start, which I didn't really mind because my starts are pretty good, and this one was no exception. Got up to the top 15-20 by the top of the climb but also true to my style lost too many places on the descent. It went on like that for the whole race which is unfortunate because I was doing really well on the climbs, although losing more places descending than I could make up on the ascents. Another thing was the weather, again the rain played a big role, but this time it was 5 degrees celcius (40 farenheit) and thought my toes would have to be chopped off because of frost bite! Finished up in 31st position this time, out of about 50 I think, but still getting some awesome exposure over here.And some photos, don't have any from the race because the coaches were doing their duty and manning the feed zones:

Race day - looking up the hill

Snow on the hills

After pre-running the course

Biggest, best sandwich ever made!
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